Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ice. Ice. Baby.

Thanks to Deedy for sending me two really long and scientific articles regarding the benefits of ice baths as a recovery tool for runners and other athletes. Deedy warned me that the articles were long and scientific, so I did what any good college student would do: I skimmed the articles and went right to the “conclusion” portion of it.

And the conclusion? Ice baths are good. Very good. In fact, the sooner after a workout an athlete takes an ice bath, the better. However, even a gap between workout and ice bathing is still more beneficial than no ice at all.

We more or less knew this, but it was nice to get scientific backing. Ice baths are not all that pleasant – except, maybe, on a 100-degree day. But they are beneficial, and they work wonders on legs that are asked to do a lot on a daily basis.

Freeze that thought into your brain …


  1. I have never taken one, although I have felt better from just a colder bath sometimes. Maybe it is time I started doing that (maybe I will start in the summer, like you said it feels better then- for my first one).
