Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Call me Steve

The other day, I went to a follow-up visit at a doctor’s office. I have gotten to know this doc and he is quite friendly.

I was wearing (surprise, surprise) a gray Marist Track and Field shirt (Nike drifit, I think). He made some comment about the fact that I am always wearing Marist Track and Field gear.

A few weeks ago, my 6-year-old son James made the same comment, calling it my “uniform” and wondering “why do you wear the same thing every day?” And then, he compared me to Steve from Blue’s Clues (pictured above in his THINKING CHAIR), the original adult character on that famous (in our house, at least) children’s show. Steve, you see, ALWAYS wears the same green-striped shirt and khaki pants. Always. In one episode, they show a picture of his closet, which is lined with the same shirts, pants and even green-striped pajamas.

So yeah. Call me Steve from Blue’s Clues. I’m the dude wearing the gray Marist Track and Field T-shirt and the khaki pants. Pretty much every day.

Hmmm. What should my next post be about? Let's see: Better pull out my handy-dandy notebook!


  1. never thought i'd see a blues clues reference that actually has some relevance to marist running

  2. Definitely ok to wear the same gear every day. I mean look at Waldo! If he started wearing something different from his red and white striped shirt and hat, no one would be able to find him. What ever happened to him? Woke up one morning and decided it was time for a change.

  3. Schab, Waldo is trying to hide from people so it would probably be in his best interest to change his clothes from time to time...clever Waldo!
