Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baila, mis hermanos

Wow. Let's see. I had about a hour and half before my final night class of the semester, in which I planned to grade papers for the Sports Reporting class. How did I make use of this possibly productive time?

Not by grading papers.

Instead, I was in the Goletti Theater to watch six esteemed members of our men's cross country team in their dance class. Yes. Dance class.

The fine fellows included: Walshak, Hughes, Scrudato, Brendan, Meegan and Quimes. What a combo.

We watched them nimbly and not-so-nimbly go through their paces up on stage. It was at times interesting, amazing and downright funny.

It helped that their dance teacher had them working and practicing to a soundtrack that only I could love: Mostly Santana, a little Allman Brothers, and Paul Simon. Lovely! Just lovely.

The verdict? All of our guys tried hard. They really did.

It pains me to report that the dudes with the best moves were Scrudato and Hughes, with Walshak following closely behind. Quimes may be the self-proclaimed GOAT on the running course, but he was lagging a bit behind on the dance floor. Not bad, but not up to the other guys' standards. Sorry, Q!

Brendan was solid ... and Meegan? Meegan did the very best he could out there. He really did.

It took guts for our guys to take the stage in front of their friends and coaches. I really should have been grading papers, but I'm glad I watched them dance.

In honor of their fine class performance, I offer you the following link to a great Santana song called "Dance Sister Dance."

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