Thursday, August 18, 2011

Still a runner?

Marty McGowan sent an impassioned email response after my “Once a Runner?” post. Our old pal has not run a race in 20 years, and yet he rightfully still considers himself a runner. He continues a regular exercise regimen each and every day, and he is most definitely still a runner in my eyes. He made a convincing and valid argument.

My follow-up thought is that maybe the question is a matter of personal reflection and context.

Personal reflection
: Perhaps your definition and your actions evolve over time. What you do and what you call it? That’s up to you. It’s a mindset, and maybe that runner’s mindset remains ingrained.

Context 1: When talking to seriously competitive current road racers with seriously competitive current goals (a phase whose ship has sailed) -- athletes who are discussing VO2Max, workouts, length and frequency of long runs, etc. -- one feels less like a runner and more like once a runner.

Context 2: Summer barbecue in a clearly non-running setting. Person comes up and says, “Hey, don’t I see you running along 9G all the time in the morning?” Why yes, that is me, I’m going quite slowly, aren’t I? In that context, one most certainly feels more like a runner and less like once a runner.

Phases and stages. Circles and cycles.

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