Saturday, August 20, 2011

Santa’s elves

A special shout-out of thanks this afternoon to the following team members: Chris Reynolds, Billy Hild, Nick Hughes and Billy Posch on the men’s side; Jackie Gamboli, Kelley Gould, Kathryn Sheehan on the women’s side.

All were on hand Saturday afternoon to help Chuck and I sort out the gear that we will hand out to the team upon arrival on Sunday. Posch did a little before going to the pool for lifeguard duty (I kept him busy by aquajogging for 25 minutes toward the end of his shift).

We set up camp in the Enhancement Center, one of the few places in the McCann Center that has been virtually untouched by construction crews.

The organization of the day pretty much mirrors how we operate. Chuck had copies of emails, spreadsheets with roster names on it, and was very orderly and efficient in putting together the backpacks of gear for the ladies. I, on the other hand, gave the men vague instructions, only to realize that I had them put the wrong amount of inventory in each bag once we started running out of T-shirts and the like. I had them fix it, and it still wasn’t correct. Finally, after these fits and starts, I realized what I ordered and why I ordered it. And we finally fixed it.

My guys, as usual, rolled with the punches of their sometimes absent-minded coach, and they were extremely helpful throughout the entire process. Again, a hearty thank you for making the day go well, and in advance for making Sunday’s opening day a more smooth process.

See you all tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Pete,

    I am so jealous of those kids coming in today for pre-season. I loved that time in my life. I had sooooo much fun running in the different parks around the Hudson Valley. I’m happy to say that I am still running many years after my first pre-season. I have a goal to run the Dutchess County Half next month. Hope to see you then.

    Thanks for my love of running.
    Brian Ordway
