Sunday, August 14, 2011

A long running example

Coach Terry Horton emailed after the previous post to remind me that Mike Cocca was indeed a regular member of the 4x400-meter relay during his senior year.

In terms of sprinters converting to road racers after college, Coach Horton certainly set a great example for the hundreds of athletes he coached at Arlington High School before his retirement as a teacher and coach out in Freedom Plains.

That example continues today.

Even though many of our athletes are not aware of it, Coach Horton was an excellent intermediate hurdler and sprinter in high school and college (not to mention a football player). And most are probably not aware that well into his adulthood, until a balky back and knee failed him, Terry was a fantastic age-group road racer and marathon runner. Take it from me: I witnessed the back of his singlet at many Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club races throughout the years.

We hope that he can regain his old form and overcome the ravages of many years and many miles; if not in races, just simply to get back to jogging on a regular basis.

But as he said in his email: “I do plant the seed of considering moving up to take advantage of their natural advantage of having speed.’’

Amen to that.

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