Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene's greatest hits just keep comin' ...

Interesting morning:

1. After my usual Monday jog with the boys, I came home to discover our three sump pumps had all stopped pumping -- leaving a lake in our basement. Not a big deal, except for the fact that our furnace is down there! Some frantic work with a well-planned spare pump, along with some help from a friend, saved the furnace and eventually pumped the basement lake into the yard. If we lose power ... I will lose my mind.

2. While this was going on, I was received text and phone updates from Bowdoin Park from Coach Chuck and Coach Horton. Bottom line: The Hilltop Loop is inoperable due to excessive water run-off and numerous downed trees.

What does this mean? It means the Bowdoin Park 5K course will not be the Bowdoin Park 5K course on Saturday for our home meet.

With Coach Horton taking the lead, we will be restructuring the course to eliminate Hilltop (no tears will be shed) and to add on a bit at the beginning on and around the soccer fields. More updates later in the week, but the course will be a bit longer than 5km but also a bit easier to navigate in terms of terrain. Again: This information should not be met with much disappointment among race entrants.

Rock us like a hurricane? INDEED.

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