Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Barbecue details, July 23

There seems to be a lot of interest in our midsummer team barbecue on Saturday, July 23. Great news!

All are welcome. And I do mean all: Team members, team family members, friends, alumni, etc.

Note to all team members, especially new ones: This is a low-key outing and is by no means mandatory. It will be great to see everyone, but if you cannot make it, no biggie.

For planning purposes … we will be starting things at about 3 p.m. down at the Marist Riverfront.

Very important, for planning purposes: Please e-mail or text me to let me know if you will be attending, so we can get a better idea of an official head count. We will be asking team captains/upperclassmen to help coordinate food, snacks and drinks with Coach Chuck and me. Any leftover food will be given to the two West Cedar off-campus houses, where I am sure it will not go to waste this summer.

A few other quick notes:

--We will be asking each person to chip in a few bucks to cover the cost of food, barbecue materials, etc. It will depend on how many folks show up and how much food we get, probably in the $3 to $5 range per person. Thank you.
--Alumni/other of-age adults: Please note that NO ALCOHOL is allowed down at the Marist Riverfront. Don't try it or think about it.
--Everyone (and this is serious): NO SWIMMING IN THE HUDSON RIVER. Aside from being an environmental hazard – they aren’t dredging the darn thing just for giggles – it is against Marist Security Policy. You will be kicked off campus and subject to security write-ups … we don’t need that nonsense in the summertime! (or anytime for that matter …)
--An addendum: When I say “No swimming in the Hudson River,’’ this also includes jumping in, throwing your friends in, etc. DON’T DO IT.
--Reminder again: Email or text me or Chuck to let us know if you are coming.

Should be fun and we are looking forward to it …

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