Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back from the lake

Hello again! Back from 10 days of vacation in the Lake George region, where I was pretty much unplugged from the Internet. My cell phone was really only a text phone, as service was quite spotty.

There was a brief period of "WiFi" (and I use that term in quotations for a reason) in which my laptop got a weak connection from our compound's headquarters for about 2 hours. I was able to check email at a pace that harkens us back to the "dial-up modem" days. Which is to say I got little done other than to be frustrated.

One cool thing about this situation, much like last summer, was rediscovering the joy of actually reading a printed newspaper -- specifically the New York Times. Sure, it costs a few bucks. But the way I look at it, it was a small investment in the most likely doomed future of my former profession of journalism.

Anyway ... give me a few days to get back on my feet. I have a lot of things about which to post.

Just a forewarning that I am back in civilization and that if you call me, I might actually be able to answer. It's nice to be back ...

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