Saturday, December 4, 2010

60 seasons, and counting ...

Don't know why I thought of this ... with the beginning of yet another season -- indoor track -- I decided to count up how many distinct seasons I have now coached since Phil and I embarked on our grand adventure back in the spring of 1991 with our first meet at the remote locale of Mansfield University in Pennsylvania.

Counting that truncated club season that spring, this marks the beginning of my 60th season of coaching. Wow. That's a lot of bus rides, van trips, meal money, etc.

My oldest son wondered aloud if I would make it to 100 seasons. Good question, bro! The short answer: If I live long enough and if Marist is nice enough to keep renewing my contract for the next 13-plus years, I'll make it to season 100 sometime close to my 60th birthday.

In the meantime, all this talk is nonsense when compared to Assistant Coach (and longtime Arlington coach) Terry Horton. If Terry were to dare count up all the seasons he has coached -- cross country, track, football maybe? -- it's a pretty safe bet it would be close to or exceeding 100.

It never ends.

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