Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ice cream social

Will "Shaker Forever" Schanz hosted a Gartland Ice Cream Social this evening at his fine E-5 house on the north end of campus. Schanz, a Gartland RA extraordinaire, gave me and my kids a special invitation because he "needed to get a faculty member" to attend to his sugary shindig.

What a hoot! Last year, when I "just" taught the fancy 2-credit Track and Field Coaching science elective, I did not "qualify" as a "faculty member." But, now that I teach the upper-level "Sports Reporting" course, I "count" as a "faculty member." Whatever. Spare me the details. If there is free food, chances are I'll find my way there, one way or another.

Schanz did not come through on my request for Chocolate Cream Pie, but I must admit I was impressed by his fine gathering. He was nice enough to save some ice cream for my three kids, and even got sugar cookies and apple pie for my chocolate-challenged oldest son (a rare 11-year-old who foregoes ice cream and chocolate).

My youngest son was uncharacteristically shy at first. But then when Curtis showed up, and I told him that Curt lived with Conor, he emerged from his coccoon and started rough-housing with Curtis -- who he somehow equated as "Conor's brother."

Thanks for sugaring up my kids before bedtime, Schanz. A nice parting shot!

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