Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We should all drive like Ryan Brown

This time of year, we as a program are caravaning to off-campus practice sites on a nearly daily basis. We can only fit about 9-10 folks in the vans, which means we rely on team members to drive.

We are VERY APPRECIATIVE of our team members who make the effort to drive. I am thankful for it every day.

I'm even more thankful when I see junior team member Ryan Brown putt-putting down Route 9 in his ancient Toyota -- driving the SPEED LIMIT, of all things. That's right. Brownie drives the SPEED LIMIT. Which, by all accounts, makes him a dreadfully slow driver.

You know what else he is? A SAFE DRIVER.

As a coach, there is nothing better than that.

So there I was, heading down to Bowdoin last Friday in the van, trying in vain to keep the country or rock station on while Panebianco or somebody kept changing it to the crappy "hit" music stations. I noticed someone up ahead driving slowly. My immediate reaction: "Who is that up there driving like me?"

It was Brownie!

Oh yeah, the guys said, Brown's got a well-earned reputation for driving the speed limit or slower. Which makes him a heroic, safe driver, in my book.

I have been driving for close to 30 years with nary a speeding ticket on my record (knock on wood). I have a well-earned reputation as a slow and safe driver (blog follower Bob out West always found this highly annoying on the rare occasions that we should drive together and I was behind the wheel). Well, I have met my match. Brownie is just as safe -- and maybe even slower! Remember: That's a good thing!

Keep putt-putting along, my friend. Your coach appreciates it, and your teammates that arrive safely at their destinations should appreciate it as well.


  1. Pete what about all of those so called "POWER MOVES" you use on the road...just remember what happened to that poor squirrel on RT 9 my junior year...ya he is no longer with us

  2. how did it feel driving to the Junior Nationals from the Chicago airport this summer? Speed limit driving, or "faster"?

  3. Emerel was the anti-Brown. In a period of three days, I was in the car with him when he got two tickets on the same road going the same speed.

    Good times

  4. Pete this is what a parent likes to see when we’re 2½ hrs away! Thanks for the positive influence you are for our Marist students and athletes. We look forward to cheering on the Red Foxes at Lehigh this week.
