Yeah. So much for that smooth trip home. Our connecting flight out of Chicago was -- surprise, surprise!! -- delayed by several hours. So we are sitting here in O'Hare, with Quimes and Nicoletti looking over my shoulder while I'm on the Internet.
These guys have learned two pet peeves of mine on this trip:
1. Malls. I do not like malls. We went to a mall in New Jersey on Wednesday night, and I was very uncomfortable. I wanted out. Perhaps it stems from years of chasing kids around malls and trying to prevent them from ripping clothes off the hangers.
2. Looking over my shoulder when I am on a computer. Oh! That's a biggie. I cannot STAND that.
So, I shooed them away in order to do this post. I am going to try to upload some pix from Quimes' camera for this post. I hope it works.
In the meantime, birthday wishes, in no particular order, go out to:
1. Derek Jeter, who turns 36 today. Did you know? Only two players in MLB history have more hits than Jeter upon reaching 36: Hank Aaron and Robin Yount. Both in the Hall of Fame.
2. Justin Harris. SR holder in the steeple celebrates his birthday on Sunday.
3. Adam Vess. Team captain turns 21 on Sunday. Nicely done.
I hate when people look over my shoulder when I'm on the computer as well Pete, probably my only real pet peve, or in your case pete peve eh?