Friday, January 22, 2010

Doggone it!

In a recent comment, Colleen asked about how to deal with dogs while running. First of all: Great to hear from you, Col! I hope all is well and it was nice seeing you on your return trip home. We miss you too.

Anyway, here is my take on dogs. I love them. Really, I do. I'm a dog person all the way. Except when running past them and they are angry and gritting their teeth.

If Bob Sweeney is reading this post, he will relate and maybe have a nostaglic laugh. Back in the day -- many years ago, many miles ago, several minutes per mile faster and certainly many pounds lighter -- I ran most days from Marist with my good friend Bob. We did a lot of quality miles, and we saw a lot of dogs.

We even named several runs after these vicious beasts!

My biggest canine nemeses were in Ulster County, during our bridge runs through Highland. They sound a bit like the "farm dogs" Col is referring to. We had constant battles with these beasts.

In fact, on one solo run I actually got chased, caught (no surprise there) and bitten by a nasty, evil four-legged dirtbag. Had Bob been on that run, I'm convinced he would have tackled and beaten the doggie jerk, who lived in a rundown shack a few yards from Mariner's Harbor restaurant along the Hudson River. That dog bit right through my old-school nylon pants. It was scary, but I was no worse for the wear.

Anyway, to answer your question: I think the best solution for me were golf balls. That's right. Golf balls. They are small, easy to carry and even easier to whip at an offending Fido at Nolan Ryan-type speeds. If you hit your target ... bingo! That's one stunned dog who won't mess with you. And come on, it's a golf ball. Not like you are gonna do any crippling damage to man's best friend.

If you do not hit your target ... well, one of two things could happen: 1. You could really rile up the beast and you better run fast (Col, you are middle distance runner, you can outsprint them!); 2. You will scare them back into their yards.

So there you have it.

I hope this method does not offend anyone. Animal rights' activists may not like it. Again, I'm a dog guy. I love dogs. But just like they are protecting their turf, you gotta hold your ground too.


  1. i still say a gun is ultimately effective.

  2. Save you money on the gun...nothing a little dog whispering can't handle

  3. haha i'm in the south now, it's easier to get a gun here than it is is to get a gallon of milk.

  4. Anyone remember that one run through Po-town when the rot ran out and the only one to stop was Big Willie's? We all thought he was going to die.

  5. Thanks pete!

    That actually sounds like something I might be able to try..Ill let you know how it goes

  6. i have to agree with my good friend john on this one. a good gun will always do the trick. if no gun, maybe some rocks. man, i hate dogs.

  7. Keenan, you buffoon! You live in Tallahassee. The state capital. Home of a major university. It's not like you live in the rural outback of the Everglades or something. You make it sound like they just wired you for electricity last week and that you still have to hunt for your food. Besides, how realistic is it to be "packin" while you are running? Unless you are the Mighty Quinn, of course.

  8. There is always the MR. WHIMP approach(Mike Rolek Way of Handling Incredibly Mean Puppies and other dogs too...):
    1. Determine the direction the dog is coming in
    2. determine speed and viciousness of the dog
    3. throw alex emerel in the way
    4. scream like a little girl (no offfense to young womwn)
    5. take off cursing at the owner

  9. Although my good friend bryan's explanation to my approach is very accurate I do have to add two things:

    1) if the dog is not on a leash, or if the dog makes an "attempt" at you it is OK to curse off the owner.
    2) thank you emeral

  10. to defend my floridian-ness, if one were to drive 5 minutes outside of this small city, you'd understand the need for a gun. and if ur carrying a bag or handful of golf can certainly carry a gun (they come with handles!). Also, the MR.WHIMP method does work...I believe rolek also bruised tom williams in an effort to push him in the way on one such run.
