Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MAAC splits

In the order they were raced ...

5,000-meter run

Girma Segni 14:43.87. 2nd place
36, 70 (34), 1:45 (35), 2:21 (36), 2:56 (35)
3:31 (35), 4:08 (37), 4:44 (36), 5:20 (36), 5:56 (36)
6:33 (37), 7:09 (36), 7:45 (36), 8:20 (35), 8:54 (34)
9:29 (35), 10:05 (36), 10:42 (37), 11:17 (35), 11:53 (36)
12:29 (36), 13:04 (36), 13:40 (36), 14:12 (32), 14:43.87 (31.87)
1km: 2:56; 2km: 5:56 (3:00); 3km: 8:54 (2:58)); 4km: 11:53 (2:59); 5km: 14:43.87 (2:50.87); last 400m: 63.87 (who says Girm doesn't have wheels?)
Comment: Excellent race. Easy early pace, great kick, gave A. Ledwith a run for his money.

Tim Keegan 15:12.57. 4th place.
36, 70 (34), 1:45 (35), 2:29 (34), 2:56 (37)
3:31 (35), 4:08 (37), 4:44 (36), 5:20 (36), 5:56 (36)
6:33 (37), 7:09 (36), 7:45 (36), 8:22 (37), 8:58 (36)
9:36 (38), 10:14 (38), 10:51 (37), 11:28 (37), 12:06 (38)
12:43 (37), 13:20 (37), 13:57 (37), 14:33 (36), 15:12.57 (39.57)
1km: 2:56; 2km: 5:56 (3:00); 3km: 8:58 (3:02); 4km: 12:06 (3:08); 15:12.57 (3:06.57)
Comment: You did a lot of the early dirty work by leading, then when gapped by Iona/Girm you were in no man's land and simply punched the clock for the prime scoring spot. You did your job. Now you can start cranking mileage for your prime time season, 10km. I cannot wait!

Nick Webster 15:27.34. 6th place.
37, 75 (38), 1:51 (36), 2:29 (38), 3:06 (37)
3:44 (38), 4:21 (37), 4:59 (38), 5:36 (37), 6:14 (38)
6:32 (38), 7:28 (36), 8:06 (38), 8:44 (38), 9:21 (37)
9:58 (37), 10:36 (38), 11:15 (39), 11:53 (38), 12:31 (38)
13:09 (38), 13:47 (38), 14:23 (36), 14:56 (33), 15:27.34 (31.34)
1km: 3:06; 2km: 6:14 (3:08); 3km: 9:21 (3:07); 4km: 12:31 (3:10); 5km: 15:27.34 (2:56.34); last 400m: 64.34
Comment: You had a plan and you executed it perfectly! You had me worried for most of the race but you came through in the end with one of the best sneak attacks I've ever seen to gobble up that last scoring spot. Nicely done.

Zak Smetana 15:32.46. 7th place. First sub-16:00!
37, 75 (38), 1:51 (36), 2:29 (38), 3:06 (37)
3:44 (38), 4:21 (37), 4:59 (38), 5:37 (38), 6:15 (38)
6:53 (38), 7:30 (37), 8:07 (37), 8:45 (37), 9:22 (37)
10:00 (38), 10:38 (38), 11:15 (37), 11:53 (38), 12:31 (38)
13:09 (38), 13:47 (38), 14:23 (36), 14:59 (36), 15:32.46 (33.46)
1km: 3:06; 2km: 6:15 (3:09); 3km: 9:22 (3:07); 4km: 12:31 (3:09); 6km: 15:32.46 (3:01.46)
Comment: Wow, wow, wow! What an indoor 5km debut. This was truly awesome.

Alex Emerel 15:36.37. 9th place. Indoor PR. 1 second off overall PR.
37, 73 (36), 1:47 (34), 2:22 (35), 2:58 (36)
3:33 (35), 4:10 (37), 4:47 (37), 5:24 (37), 6:02 (38)
6:38 (36), 7:16 (38), 7:53 (37), 8:31 (38), 9:10 (39)
9:49 (39), 10:28 (39), 11:07 (39), 11:46 (39), 12:26 (40)
13:04 (38), 13:43 (39), 14:21 (38), 14:59 (38), 15:36.37 (37.37)
1km: 2:58; 2km: 6:02 (3:04); 3km: 9:10 (3:08); 4km: 12:26 (3:16); 5km: 15:36.37 (3:10.37)
Comment: You ran the race well and did some early dirty work. First 1km way too fast! But you bounced back and closed well. Nice job.

NOTE: Thanks to Geist for recording all 5km and 3km splits so I could yell like a maniac on the finish stretch.

Mile run

Adam Vess 4:08.66. 1st place. School record

35 (209 meters); 66 (31), 1:36 (30), 2:06.9 (30.9), 2:37.8 (30.9), 3:38.5 (30.7), 4:08.66 (30.11). Comments: Nice wire-to-wire win.

Note to Will Griffin (2:09 through half, 4:22.26 finish); Duggan (4:36.79); Geist (4:42.53): Sorry I missed your splits I got caught up in Vess' race and focusing on his exact lap splits as he was racing for the win. Again, sorry.

800-meter run

Tom Lipari
: 28, 56 (28), 1:25 (29), 1:56.27 (31.27). 5th place. Ballsy race. Nice job.
Kyle Havard: 28, 58 (30), 1:28 (30), 1:58.43 (30.43). Excellent effort and nice open PR.
Matt Janczyk: 28, 57 (29), 1:27 (30), 1:58.75 (31.75). Strong effort, needed a slightly faster close.
Colin Johnson: 29, 58 (29), 1:29 (31), 1:59.02 (30.02). Wow! Excellent indoor breakthrough effort.
Brian McCormick: 29, 57 (28), 1:28 (31), 2:01.54 (33.54). Not bad after feeling weak all week.

3,000 run

Matt Flint: 8:42.87. 3rd place

32, 65 (33), 1:40 (35), 2:15 (35), 2:50 (35)
3:25 (35), 4:01 (36), 4:36 (35), 5:11 (35), 5:47 (36)
6:23 (37), 6:58 (35), 7:34 (36), 8:08 (34), 8:42.87 (34.87)
1km: 2:50; 2km: 5:47 (2:57); 8:42.87 (2:55.87)
Comment: Did your job in a race that was impossible to run fast after you were gapped.

Curtis Jensen: 8:46.29. 4th place

32, 65 (33), 1:40 (35), 2:16 (36), 2:51 (35)
3:26 (35), 4:02 (36), 4:38 (36), 5:14 (36), 5:51 (37)
6:26 (35), 7:01 (35), 7:37 (36), 8:12 (35), 8:46.29 (34.29)
1km: 2:51; 2km: 5:51 (3:00); 3km: 8:46.29 (2:55.29)
Comment: Did your job as well and did it easily. Next stop: PR at NYU.

Girma Segni: 8:52.51. 5th place
31, 64 (33), 1:37 (33), 2:11 (34), 2:45 (34)
3:20 (35), 3:56 (36), 4:35 (39), 5:12 (37), 5:50 (38)
6:28 (38), 7:05 (37), 7:45 (40), 8:11 (36), 8:52.51 (41.51)
1km: 2:45; 2km: 5:50 (3:05); 8:52.51 (3:02.51)
Comment: I'll take the hit here. Bad coaching on my part. Going out with the fresh Iona guys in 2:11 through the half, after a hard 5km a few hours prior ... NOT A GOOD IDEA! We should have had you run for a comfortable third and help Flint/Curt instead of flogging your body through this brutality. Bad planning. Won't happen again.

Will Griffin: 8:57.34
33, 66 (33), 1:41 (35), 2:17 (36), 2:50 (33)
3:25 (35), 4:02 (37), 4:38 (36), 5:15 (37), 5:52 (37)
6:29 (37), 7:07 (38), 7:45 (37), 8:21 (36), 8:57.34 (36.34)
1km: 2:50; 2km: 5:52 (3:02); 3km: 8:57.34 (3:05.34)
Comment: You did a lot of dirty work for Flint, as planned. Unfortunately, this was not the MAAC meet we had planned. In retrospect, maybe using you in the DMR would have been smart. That's coaching error. You'll bounce back at ICs ...

John Keenan: 9:06.91
33, 67 (34), 1:42 (35), 2:17 (35), 2:52 (35)
3:29 (37), 4:06 (37), 4:43 (37), 5:21 (38), 5:59 (38)
6:35 (36), 7:14 (39), 7:51 (37), 8:30 (39), 9:06.91 (36.91)
1km: 2:52; 2km: 5:59 (37); 3km: 9:06.91 (3:07.91)
Comment: A sick effort, literally. Get healthy and end your indoor career with a bang on Friday.

DMR: 10:34.51. 3rd place

Matt Janczyk, 1200, 3:15.0. 31, 61 (30), 1:33 (32), 2:05 (32), 2:40 (35), 3:15.0 (35.0). Comment: Boo. Hiss.
John Kristie: 53.4
Tom Lipari: 27, 57 (30), 1:28 (31), 1:58.5 (30.5). Comment: Strong double.
Adam Vess: 28, 59 (31), 1:32 (33), 2:07 (35), 2:42 (35), 3:17 (35), 3:25 (35), 4:27 (35). Comment: Once the chase for 2nd was futile, you smartly shut it down and jogged in.

4x400: 3:23.60. 2nd place by an eyelash

Mike Cocca: 52.1
Colin Frederickson: 50.0
John Kristie: 50.4
Derrick Powell: 50.8
Comment: Exciting stuff. The Armory was rocking!

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