Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year: Update

Hi guys,
I have heard back from several of you guys regarding the Fordham meet. But not everyone. Here is an update to the original email I sent to you guys, in no particular order (mostly from the original T-shirt order list from back in the summer, if you are wondering about the randomness of the names in order ...

Rolek: Not racing, by choice
TDix: Not racing, to get healthy
Maynes: Not racing, suspension held over from xc (possible relay leg with some lobbying ...)
Keenan: 5k
Keegan: 5k
Side note: Interesting! Two St Anthony's guys in the same event, with their names differing by just one letter!
Geist: relay leg
DRaucci: Mile, possible relay leg
Girma: Not racing, by choice
Vess: Not racing, redshirt (will race at NYU and BU meets)
Holinko: Not racing yet
Shane: Not racing due to study hall infraction
BDix: TBA. Possibly 800. Call me or email, BRO!
Theo: TBA. I'm leaning toward waiting a week?
JoeT: Not racing by choice.
Emerel: TBA. Possible 3k/5k? Let me know?
Conor: Possible 3k/5k? Let me know! Call me, bro!
Greg: Email or call so we can discuss!
Janczyk: Ditto.
Rob: Ditto. Need to know your grades!
Zak: Ditto.
Duggan: Ditto.
Sam: Probably 3k, but we'll see how you are feeling?
Web: Not racing, by choice.

So there you go, still a lot of unknowns. Please call or email me if you have not already.

Remember: "2008" and "great" are rhyming words!

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