Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Winter training

We always talk about the importance of summer training -- putting in the base mileage, getting geared up for cross country, blah, blah, blah.

Today, it's time to talk about winter training.

Winter training is GREAT. In a lot of ways, it's better than summer training. Here's why:

1. No heat. Heat kills. Training in heat is fraught with danger. It dehydrates you. It depletes you of needed minerals. It's hard. We still must do it, but it is taxing on your body.
2. Teammates! With the exception of the two weeks you are home for the holidays, winter training is team training. And team training is always a good thing.
3. Instant gratification. Unlike the summer, where the season and the meets are very far away, winter training leads immediately to indoor racing. Your goals are tangible and within reach. Extra motivation, to be sure.
4. Clean air. There's something about training in intense cold that feels cleansing to your breathing system. At least for me. No humidity. No pollen. You can breathe, breathe deeply, and maximize your training.

Now, this all sounds so glorious and beautiful and idyllic. Doesn't it? But the bottom line on winter training is this: It's hard. It's hard to get your ass out the door when it is freezing out, when it is dark out, when the snow is falling. But what is hard also hardens you, makes you tougher, makes you stronger. And isn't that the essence of what we do with our running?

So get to it. Get at it. Get motivated. Stay motivated. And run. A lot.

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