Monday, October 1, 2007

Pack 'em in!

Hello men: A quick thought I had this morning, and one that I will hammer home each day in practice this week and the rest of the week ...


Now, I know we have a big team of runners. Obviously all 23 of you cannot be within 1 minute of each other in a race.

However, our varsity pack should aim to be within 1 minute of each other (1:30 at most, if our front guys are FLYING). And then, subsequent PACKS need to be clustered closely together.

Pack running does a lot of things:

1. You feed off your teammates' energy and run faster. I've seen/heard guys in the past yelling at each other when they are racing near each other. That motivates each runner and also spooks runners from other teams that see this sort of energy.
2. It sends a message to other teams in races that we are not only good but DEEP. It can be deflating ... to the other team.
3. Never forget that in cross country, it's PLACE that matters. Oh sure, I'm always harping on VCP times, lists, histories, etc. But the bottom line is, what PLACE you are matters greater than your time, on most if not all days, in cross country.
3a. Because place matters, the more runners we can pack in, the lower our score, and the better we do. It's simple math.

Come Run With The Foxes.

Do Work.

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